Many thanks for your interest in SCHNEEBERGER products. It will be a pleasure to contact you in order to discuss more about your needs and our proposed solutions. Please send us your request and we will get back to you.
Our solution for the demanding FPD industry covers processes from AOI to array tester over photo spacer measurements. More than 800 systems are installed worldwide. Some systems are directly manufactured and assembled in Asia. With our customised solutions, we ensure that each system meets specific customer requirements.
In order to reduce the TCO, SCHNEEBERGER innovates by integrating our own alternative to granite: Mineralcast.
Our customised solutions allow us to leverage the high damping properties of Mineralcast to match individual application needs, optimising system weight and reducing handling and shipping costs.
Our customers' requirements:
Reliable and precise products.
Our solution:
tailored systems, from single axes with integral control units through to highly complex machines.
Roggwil (Switzerland):
Head office of the company SCHNEEBERGER
business unit headquarters