
New Industry: Additive Manufacturing

We are conquering new technologies with our newly developed 4-way telescopic thread drives. The highly-compact actuators are part of the heart of 3D laser melting systems, which create finished components on a metal basis. They are responsible for the high-precision positioning of laser heads in the smallest possible space. This new production process can therefore generate the manufacturing precision that the market requires for its just-in-time spare parts or components.

The additive production process is a continued development of the basic procedure known as ‘rapid prototyping,’ in which parts are printed.

In the future, this new technology will revolutionize the parts market and turn it upside down in a positive way. We are a development partner right from the start in this and other industries with our expertise.

Are you interested in a development partnership with our company?

Then get in touch with us at sales@amannesmann.de
or +49 2191 989-200