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MINI-X = Guías en miniatura, carros MINIRAIL con unidades LUBE-S de lubricación de larga duración, micromesas sin rozamiento y sistema de medición de distancias integrado

Las guías en miniatura son compactas y precisas para obtener la máxima productividad. Guías sin mantenimiento: el depósito de lubricante está directamente integrado en los.

Las guías en miniatura MINIRAIL, las micromesas sin rozamiento MINISLIDE y los sistemas de medición de distancias integrados MINISCALE PLUS, que han tenido un enorme impacto gracias a su nivel de precisión, solidez y versatilidad, fueron desarrollados para velocidades y aceleraciones elevadas en procesos de trabajo.


This new innovative, as well as patented ball deflection guarantees perfect, fine running behaviour for speeds up to 3 m/s and accelerations up to 250 m/s2.

Guías sin mantenimiento: el depósito de lubricante está directamente integrado en los

MINIRAIL representa la última generación de guías miniatura para aplicaciones complejas. Son extremadamente robustas, y su buen funcionamiento, su precisión y su fiabilidad se demuestran en cada aplicación.

Carros MINIRAIL con unidades LUBE-S de lubricación de larga duración

MINIRAIL: la gama de guías de alta precisión

MINI-X Impressions
MINI-X Impressions

El diseño, la selección de materiales y el acabado superficial del elemento de recirculación y la zona de entrada de las bolas garantizan las bajas pulsaciones y un recorrido suave.

La gama incluye ocho anchos de raíl que se pueden combinar con hasta cuatro tamaños de carro.

Versión de carro corto (Código de pedido MNNS). La mejor opción para espacios restringidos de instalación.

Ventajas del carro corto para el cliente:

  • El carro corto y compacto es perfecto para las instalaciones con poco espacio
  • Alto nivel de precisión constante
  • Prolongada duración

Frequently Asked Questions about MINIRAIL Guideways from SCHNEEBERGER

Lifetime lubrication refers to a one-time filling of lubricant at the friction points, which does not need to be renewed or replaced throughout the product’s lifespan. SCHNEEBERGER has developed and patented the innovative LUBE-S system for this purpose.

LUBE-S provides maintenance-free operation for up to 20,000 km under normal conditions. The lubricant is directly applied to the balls in the load zone without affecting the carriage length or maximum stroke. This significantly reduces maintenance costs and lowers lubricant consumption, making it more environmentally friendly.

LUBE-S is a sophisticated lubricant reservoir that, via capillary action, dispenses lubricant to the balls located in the load zone. The system is fully integrated into the carriage and ensures reliable lubrication even in applications with short strokes.

LUBE-S can be used in almost all applications, but special applications such as vacuum and cleanroom environments are not suitable for the LUBE-S system.

MINIRAIL guideways excel in high precision and durability. Their design ensures high process reliability and allows for speeds of up to 5 m/s and accelerations of up to 300 m/s².

  • Defined displacement force (VD): For demanding applications, the displacement force can be customized.
  • Height-matched carriages (HA): In certain cases, the tolerance range of the carriages can be customized to allow for tighter height variations.
  • Multi-piece rails (ZG): For longer applications, individual rails can be butt-jointed and ground together.
  • Custom lubrication (KB): For specific areas of use, such as high speeds or extreme temperatures, SCHNEEBERGER offers suitable lubrication solutions.

MINIRAIL rails come in standard widths of 7, 9, 12, and 15, as well as wide sizes of 14, 18, 24, and 42. The carriages are available in four lengths: MNNS (short), MNN (standard), MNNL (long), and MNNXL (extra-long).

Yes, MINIRAIL carriages are designed to be fully interchangeable with one another at any time. This unit carriage system simplifies inventory management and significantly reduces maintenance effort.

What does lifetime lubrication mean for MINIRAIL? //

Lifetime lubrication refers to a one-time filling of lubricant at the friction points, which does not need to be renewed or replaced throughout the product’s lifespan. SCHNEEBERGER has developed and patented the innovative LUBE-S system for this purpose.

What are the advantages of the LUBE-S system? //

LUBE-S provides maintenance-free operation for up to 20,000 km under normal conditions. The lubricant is directly applied to the balls in the load zone without affecting the carriage length or maximum stroke. This significantly reduces maintenance costs and lowers lubricant consumption, making it more environmentally friendly.

How does the LUBE-S system work? //

LUBE-S is a sophisticated lubricant reservoir that, via capillary action, dispenses lubricant to the balls located in the load zone. The system is fully integrated into the carriage and ensures reliable lubrication even in applications with short strokes.

Can LUBE-S be integrated into any application? //

LUBE-S can be used in almost all applications, but special applications such as vacuum and cleanroom environments are not suitable for the LUBE-S system.

What are the benefits of MINIRAIL guideways? //

MINIRAIL guideways excel in high precision and durability. Their design ensures high process reliability and allows for speeds of up to 5 m/s and accelerations of up to 300 m/s².

What options enhance the use of MINIRAIL guideways? //
  • Defined displacement force (VD): For demanding applications, the displacement force can be customized.
  • Height-matched carriages (HA): In certain cases, the tolerance range of the carriages can be customized to allow for tighter height variations.
  • Multi-piece rails (ZG): For longer applications, individual rails can be butt-jointed and ground together.
  • Custom lubrication (KB): For specific areas of use, such as high speeds or extreme temperatures, SCHNEEBERGER offers suitable lubrication solutions.

In what sizes are MINIRAIL guideways available? //

MINIRAIL rails come in standard widths of 7, 9, 12, and 15, as well as wide sizes of 14, 18, 24, and 42. The carriages are available in four lengths: MNNS (short), MNN (standard), MNNL (long), and MNNXL (extra-long).

Can MINIRAIL carriages be interchanged? //

Yes, MINIRAIL carriages are designed to be fully interchangeable with one another at any time. This unit carriage system simplifies inventory management and significantly reduces maintenance effort.


SCHNEEBERGER MONORAIL and MINIRAIL profile guideways - limited quantity, easy ordering, quick delivery

Resumen del producto patines y railes

Ancho del Raíl en mmCarroVersiónLB
MNN 5MNN 5estándar19.812
MN 7 MNNS 7corto18.617
MNN 7estándar24.617
MNNL 7largo32.117
MNNXL 7extra largo41.117
MN 9 MNNS 9corto2220
MNN 9estándar3220
MNNL 9largo4020
MNNXL 9extra largo5020
MN 12 MNNS 12corto23.927
MNN 12estándar36.427
MNNL 12largo46.427
MNNXL 12extra largo58.927
MN 15 MNNS 15corto31.732
MNN 15estándar43.732
MNNL 15largo58.732
MNNXL 15extra largo73.732
MN 14 MNN 14estándar32.125
MNNL 14largo41.125
MN 18 MNN 18estándar4030
MNNL 18largo5030
MN 24 MNN 24estándar46.440
MNNL 24largo58.940
MN 42 MNN 42estándar55.760
MNNL 42largo73.760


MINI-X - Product catalog
MINI-X - Product catalog MINIRAIL miniature profile linear guideway / MINISCALE PLUS integrated linear measuring system / MINISLIDE micro-frictionless tableDescargar ahora
MINIRAIL Size 5 High-precision miniature guideways with impeccable running characteristicsDescargar ahora

Our new production hall in Switzerland


MINIRAIL: ofrece el mayor nivel de fiabilidad para una aceleración de hasta 300 m/s2 y una velocidad de hasta 5 m/s


SCHNEEBERGER overview linear bearings and positioning systems

Article/Example of application

Schweizer Qualität und Präzision
Schweizer Qualität und Präzision Automated assembly systems with high positional accuracies guarantee the vibration free running of SCHNEEBERGER MINIRAIL.Descargar ahora
Damit alles glatt läuft
Damit alles glatt läuft With a high-precision, compact servo press for loading watch movement plates, SCHNEEBERGER MINIRAIL miniature guideways ensure high precision, ease of movement and strength.Descargar ahora
SCHNEEBERGER miniatur guideway MINIRAIL with integrated measuring system
SCHNEEBERGER miniatur guideway MINIRAIL with integrated measuring system For designers who have to fit high-precision linear technology with integral distance measurement in very small spaces, SCHNEEBERGER now offers the new MINISCALE PLUS optical incremental distance measuring system.Descargar ahora
The secret of linear technolgy
The secret of linear technolgy From standard components to complete systems, SCHNEEBERGER offers a unique spectrum of products and services. And we do it all for our customers’ benefit.Descargar ahora

Comunicados de prensa

MINIRAIL profile miniature guideways
MINIRAIL profile miniature guideways Highly precise miniature guideway MINIRAIL profile miniature guideways by Schneeberger are certainly small in terms of dimensions. Descargar ahora

Datos CAD tipo MINIRAIL (con bolas) para descarga:

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Haga clic en la combinación de tamaño correspondiente para comenzar la descarga. 

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Las áreas más comunes de aplicación de MINIRAIL son las siguientes:

Ejemplo de aplicación

Open Productfinder

Ventajas de MINIRAIL

  • Máxima estabilidad del proceso a una velocidad de 5 m/s y una aceleración de 300 m/s² (30 g)
  • Carros intercambiables
  • Bajo riesgo de contaminación gracias al poco espacio entre carro y riel
  • Alta capacidad de carga
  • Baja pulsación de trayecto
  • Baja sensibilidad a los impactos
  • Compatible con vacío hasta 10-7 mbar
Ventajas exclusivas para los suscriptores del boletín:
  • Nuevos productos e innovaciones
  • Manténgase al día sobre las tendencias y la evolución del mercado
  • Información sobre ferias y eventos