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Sistema de medición absoluto integrado AMSABS 3L para ejes largos
Con el MONORAIL AMSABS 3L, SCHNEEBERGER ofrece un sistema de medición absoluta integrado para la construcción de ejes especialmente largos en sistemas con altas exigencias de precisión. «El producto para todas las longitudes» permite una construcción mecánica y metrológica muy exacta de los rieles de medición. El diseño especial de las juntas de los raíles en combinación con el cabezal de lectura AMSABS 3L permite pasar por encima de las juntas y crear ejes de medición de cualquier longitud.
Frequently Asked Questions about the AMSABS System from SCHNEEBERGER
Is a calibration required after installing an AMSABS system?
After installation, the absolute position is immediately available once the read head is mounted.
Does the exact absolute position need to be restored when replacing components in the AMSABS system?
When replacing read heads, there may be minimal deviations of a few tenths of a millimeter. To achieve more precise values, adjustments to the control parameters should be made.
Does the installation of the AMSABS read head require special alignment?
Precise alignment of the read head is not required, as it only needs to be secured with the screws provided.
How does the signal period of 200 µm affect the accuracy of the AMSABS measuring system?
The periodic measurement deviation is less than 0.6 µm.
How long does the battery of the AMSABS system last when the machine is turned off and the axis is moving?
When the machine is stationary, the battery lasts about 2.5 years. In single-shift operation, the lifespan is approximately 5 years, while in three-shift operation, when only needed on weekends, the battery lasts around 8 years.
Does the AMSABS system have limitations due to external fields from motors or rotary tables?
The AMSABS scale is well-protected within the rail, so external fields are neutralized by the rail and surrounding materials, having no impact on the scale.
What should be considered when using linear motors with the AMSABS system?
To ensure that magnetic fluxes from tools or chip nests do not interfere with the scale, the scale is mounted on the side opposite to the linear motor.
What are the installation guidelines for the AMSABS system?
AMSABS rails should not be installed using magnetic lifting tools to avoid residual magnetism in the rail.
What accessories are compatible with the AMSABS system?
All components of the MONORAIL MR and MONORAIL BM can be used with the AMSABS system; however, sheet metal wipers are not available in the standard program.
Is a calibration required after installing an AMSABS system? //
After installation, the absolute position is immediately available once the read head is mounted.
Does the exact absolute position need to be restored when replacing components in the AMSABS system? //
When replacing read heads, there may be minimal deviations of a few tenths of a millimeter. To achieve more precise values, adjustments to the control parameters should be made.
Does the installation of the AMSABS read head require special alignment? //
Precise alignment of the read head is not required, as it only needs to be secured with the screws provided.
How does the signal period of 200 µm affect the accuracy of the AMSABS measuring system? //
The periodic measurement deviation is less than 0.6 µm.
How long does the battery of the AMSABS system last when the machine is turned off and the axis is moving? //
When the machine is stationary, the battery lasts about 2.5 years. In single-shift operation, the lifespan is approximately 5 years, while in three-shift operation, when only needed on weekends, the battery lasts around 8 years.
Does the AMSABS system have limitations due to external fields from motors or rotary tables? //
The AMSABS scale is well-protected within the rail, so external fields are neutralized by the rail and surrounding materials, having no impact on the scale.
What should be considered when using linear motors with the AMSABS system? //
To ensure that magnetic fluxes from tools or chip nests do not interfere with the scale, the scale is mounted on the side opposite to the linear motor.
What are the installation guidelines for the AMSABS system? //
AMSABS rails should not be installed using magnetic lifting tools to avoid residual magnetism in the rail.
What accessories are compatible with the AMSABS system? //
All components of the MONORAIL MR and MONORAIL BM can be used with the AMSABS system; however, sheet metal wipers are not available in the standard program.
¿Qué novedades hay?
El nuevo sistema de medición de desplazamiento absoluto AMSABS 3L de SCHNEEBERGER hace posible la medición incluso en ejes especialmente largos. Una vez referenciado, el carro de medición es capaz de transmitir la posición absoluta de forma permanente a lo largo de toda su longitud. Esta se mantiene incluso en caso de interrupción de la alimentación eléctrica. Ventajas demostradas de los productos AMSABS:
Cabezal de lectura fácilmente intercambiable desde el lateral
Carcasa del sensor robusta soldada y hermética a los líquidos según IP67
Intercambiabilidad del cabezal de lectura sin ajuste
Un cabezal de lectura para todos los tamaños
Además de estas ventajas, el nuevo sistema de medición absoluta AMSABS 3L también convence con las siguientes características:
Escaso esfuerzo logístico en la realización de ejes de máquinas largos
Intercambiabilidad total de todos los segmentos de riel
Los ejes pueden ampliarse según las necesidades cuando se utilizan rieles del sistema
Mantenimiento de la posición en caso de interrupción de la alimentación eléctrica
Plazo de entrega breve para rieles con sistema de medición absoluto integrado
Various lubrication and sealing options for the measuring carriages enable optimum adaption to the requirements of the application. The simply changeable reading head is identic for all sizes.
Product overview of AMSABS 3L carriages
Product overview AMSABS 3L rails
Technical data and options
Dimensions and capacities Links to the following sizes:
With MONORAIL AMSABS 3L SCHNEEBERGER provides an integrated absolute distance measuring system especially for the design of long axes with high requests on system accuracy. Mechanically the AMSABS 3L is based on the SCHNEEBERGER roller guideway MONORAIL MR. The particular realization of the rail butt joints in combination with the AMSABS 3L reading head enables to run over joints an to build absolute coded measuring axes of any length. For the controller the absolute interfaces SSI, SSI+1Vpp and Fanuc are available with different cable lengths.
MONORAIL MR4S - Spare parts and Modification instruction
MONORAIL MR4S - Spare parts and Modification instructionDescargar ahora
Instrucciones de montaje del carro SCHNEEBERGER MONORAIL
Instrucciones de montaje para cabezales de lectura SCHNEEBERGER
Comunicados de prensa
AMSABS 3L Medición de recorrido absoluta para ejes especialmente largos
Con AMSABS 3L, SCHNEEBERGER ha desarrollado un sistema de medición único. Este es adecuado para su uso en ejes especialmente largos, pero al mismo tiempo cuenta con las ventajas de la medición absoluta. Esto significa: Incluso después de apagar y volver a encender la máquina, el sistema conoce la posición exacta del eje.Descargar ahora
Escaso esfuerzo logístico en la realización de ejes de máquinas largos
Intercambiabilidad total de todos los segmentos de riel
Los ejes pueden ampliarse según las necesidades cuando se utilizan rieles del sistema
Mantenimiento de la posición en caso de interrupción de la alimentación eléctrica
Plazo de entrega breve para rieles con sistema de medición absoluto integrado
Línea directa para el Sistema de Medición Integrado
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