+41 62 918 41 11


Las cremalleras son un elemento de avance económico, especialmente en recorridos largos de más de 2 m.

Son preferibles también en entornos sucios o donde se produzcan grandes fuerzas axiales, ya que la rigidez es uniforme en toda la longitud.

SCHNEEBERGER ofrece todas las secciones hasta el módulo 20 con rosca métrica o modular, con dentado recto o helicoidal. La longitud máxima de una sola pieza es de 3000 mm, y se pueden utilizar raíles de varias piezas con juntas a tope para longitudes mayores.

El engranaje se puede fresar o pulir, según las preferencias del cliente. Otra particularidad es la posibilidad de llevar a cabo distintos procesos de temple. Dependiendo de la carga aplicada, se puede elegir entre cremalleras de temple suave, con nitruración, de temple por inducción, y de temple por cementación y temple total. La calidad óptima del engranaje es Q4 (error de paso entre adyacentes fp=0,003 mm, error de paso acumulado Fp=0,015/1000 mm). Además, la flexibilidad y robustez de los sistemas de cremallera dentada los hacen ideales para una amplia gama de aplicaciones industriales.

¡Vendemos capacidad y conocimientos técnicos, no productos de serie!

Exploring Gear Racks in Real-world Applications: A Closer Look

En SCHNEEBERGER, los clientes se benefician de una competencia sin parangón, gracias a maquinaria de vanguardia y a una dedicación inquebrantable al mantenimiento de los más altos estándares de calidad, como se demuestra en diversas industrias, tal y como se puede ver en la siguiente película.

Quiere profundizar más? Nuestras preguntas frecuentes están repletas de información valiosa.

Entendiendo las cremalleras SCHNEEBERGER - Tu camino hacia el movimiento preciso

Las cremalleras son componentes de movimiento lineal utilizados en diversas aplicaciones industriales. Proporcionan una pista dentada recta para que los engranajes o piñones se engranen, convirtiendo el movimiento rotativo en movimiento lineal.

SCHNEEBERGER offers a wide range of gear racks, including straight-toothed gear racks are available in standard industrial sizes from module 2 to module 12, Helical-toothed gear racks are available in typical industry dimensions from module 2 to module 12, and customized gear racks, which can be customized with different materials and up to module 20 and 3000mm.

SCHNEEBERGER gear racks excel in efficiency and durability, making them perfect for applications with significant axial forces. They maintain consistent rigidity throughout their length and prove cost-effective for strokes over 2 meters. We offer a range of sizes in both straight and helical toothed gear racks, and you have flexibility in material and hardening options to match your load specifications. Our product line includes standard gear racks from module 2 to module 12 and customizable choices up to module 20, with lengths of up to 3000 mm. This allows you to customize your gear rack to suit your unique requirements.

At SCHNEEBERGER, we uphold a commitment to quality throughout our manufacturing process. Our gear racks are manufactured on modern machine tools, and both induction and through hardening are performed in-house to maintain quality control. We are proud to be ISO 9001 certified across all our production sites.

Each step of the production process is subject to self-inspection by our skilled machine operators. If needed, we compile a measurement report to ensure the quality of the gear rack. Our tooth rack profiles adhere to DIN 867 standards, and the tolerances for accuracy classes are in line with DIN 3962, 3963, and 3967.

To further guarantee quality, our tooth racks undergo measurement using CNC measuring machines. A notable feature of SCHNEEBERGER standard tooth racks is the inclusion of a tip chamfer, which minimizes the risk of injury.

Our unwavering goal is to provide the best products and services to industrial companies, recognizing that this is the key to our customers' success.

Our expert team can assist you in selecting the appropriate gear rack based on your specific requirements. Contact us, and we'll guide you through the selection process.

Yes, SCHNEEBERGER offers custom gear rack solutions tailored to your unique needs. Contact our engineering team to discuss your custom requirements.

Our gear racks are used in various industries, including automation, robotics, machine tools, heavy machine construction, printing presses, and machine and plant engineering, to name a few.

Yes, we provide technical documentation, and other product information on our website's product pages. You can also request specific technical documents from our support team.

Qué son las cremalleras y para qué se utilizan? //

Las cremalleras son componentes de movimiento lineal utilizados en diversas aplicaciones industriales. Proporcionan una pista dentada recta para que los engranajes o piñones se engranen, convirtiendo el movimiento rotativo en movimiento lineal.

What types of gear racks does SCHNEEBERGER offer? //

SCHNEEBERGER offers a wide range of gear racks, including straight-toothed gear racks are available in standard industrial sizes from module 2 to module 12, Helical-toothed gear racks are available in typical industry dimensions from module 2 to module 12, and customized gear racks, which can be customized with different materials and up to module 20 and 3000mm.

What are the main features and options? //

SCHNEEBERGER gear racks excel in efficiency and durability, making them perfect for applications with significant axial forces. They maintain consistent rigidity throughout their length and prove cost-effective for strokes over 2 meters. We offer a range of sizes in both straight and helical toothed gear racks, and you have flexibility in material and hardening options to match your load specifications. Our product line includes standard gear racks from module 2 to module 12 and customizable choices up to module 20, with lengths of up to 3000 mm. This allows you to customize your gear rack to suit your unique requirements.

How important is proper lubrication? And what lubricant is recommended for maintenance? //

Proper lubrication is crucial for maintaining the functionality and longevity of gear racks. It protects against wear, corrosion, and reduces friction, ensuring smooth operation. We recommend using lubrication greases within the NLGI 00 to NLGI 0 range, such as Klüber Microlube GB 0, and regularly applying them to the drive pinion or gear rack with a felt pinion. Inadequate lubrication can significantly shorten the service life of the drive system, so it's essential to ensure the machine is adequately lubricated.

What quality assurance processes and certifications are in place at SCHNEEBERGER? //

At SCHNEEBERGER, we uphold a commitment to quality throughout our manufacturing process. Our gear racks are manufactured on modern machine tools, and both induction and through hardening are performed in-house to maintain quality control. We are proud to be ISO 9001 certified across all our production sites.

Each step of the production process is subject to self-inspection by our skilled machine operators. If needed, we compile a measurement report to ensure the quality of the gear rack. Our tooth rack profiles adhere to DIN 867 standards, and the tolerances for accuracy classes are in line with DIN 3962, 3963, and 3967.

To further guarantee quality, our tooth racks undergo measurement using CNC measuring machines. A notable feature of SCHNEEBERGER standard tooth racks is the inclusion of a tip chamfer, which minimizes the risk of injury.

Our unwavering goal is to provide the best products and services to industrial companies, recognizing that this is the key to our customers' success.

How can I determine the right gear rack for my application? //

Our expert team can assist you in selecting the appropriate gear rack based on your specific requirements. Contact us, and we'll guide you through the selection process.

Do you provide custom solutions? //

Yes, SCHNEEBERGER offers custom gear rack solutions tailored to your unique needs. Contact our engineering team to discuss your custom requirements.

Which industries use SCHNEEBERGER racks? //

Our gear racks are used in various industries, including automation, robotics, machine tools, heavy machine construction, printing presses, and machine and plant engineering, to name a few.

Can I get technical documentation and CAD drawings for your gear racks? //

Yes, we provide technical documentation, and other product information on our website's product pages. You can also request specific technical documents from our support team.

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