+41 62 918 41 11
09. Avr 2024 - 12. Avr 2024

Analytica 2024, Munich

Visit us at Hall A2, Booth 319, Exhibition Munich, Germany, Exhibitor SCHNEEBERGER GmbH

Site web de l'exposition



Site web de l'exposition

Points forts produit

Analytica 2024, Munich
combines guiding and measuring functions in a highly integrated design
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Analytica 2024, Munich
consistently accurate and reliable
Découvrez les produits
Analytica 2024, Munich
Integrated cage assist KCN, KCS
achieves a higher load capacity of 25%
Découvrez les produits


MINISLIDE MSQscale - Product catalogue
MINISLIDE MSQscale - Product catalogue MINISLIDE MSQscale measuring systemTélécharger maintenant
MINISCALE Plus - Flyer
MINISCALE Plus - Flyer The MINISCALE PLUS linear measuring system integrated into MINIRAIL the SCHNEEBERGER miniature guidewayTélécharger maintenant

Informations sur l’exposition

The Analytica 2024, scheduled from April 9th to 12th in Munich, is a world-leading trade fair that brings together the international laboratory industry. As the premier event for laboratory technology, analysis, and biotechnology, it offers a comprehensive overview of the entire laboratory value chain in both industry and research. Let’s delve into the key highlights of this significant gathering:

Innovative Products and Solutions

  • The Analytica showcases cutting-edge products, systems, components, and applications relevant to laboratories. Whether you’re an industrial professional or a researcher, you’ll find solutions tailored to your specific needs.
  • From lab equipment to analytical instruments, biotechnological advancements, and more, the exhibition floor buzzes with innovation.

Conference Program

  • The Analytica conference complements the trade fair by providing a diverse program of approximately 200 presentations. These sessions cater to laboratory users from both industry and academia.
  • Attendees can engage with experts, gain insights into the latest trends, and explore visionary ideas shaping the future of scientific research.

Why Attend?

  • As the laboratory landscape evolves rapidly, the analytica positions you at the forefront of progress.
  • Market Leaders and Experts: Interact with industry leaders, discover groundbreaking technologies, and network with experts.
  • World Premieres: Be among the first to witness new product launches and technological breakthroughs.
  • Comprehensive Market Overview: Explore the entire spectrum of lab-related offerings.
  • Rich Framework: The fair is complemented by an extensive program, including the conference and special exhibitions.

Exhibition Sectors

The analytica covers a wide range of areas:

  • Analytical Techniques
  • Quality Control
  • Laboratory Technology
  • Biotechnology


Site web de l'exposition

Demandes et contact

Shape the future with us: your visions, our solutions

Let's talk about the future. What inspires and motivates you? What challenges do you face? We are here to support you - anytime. Benefit from our global network of experts and our sustainable, efficient, flexible and intelligent solutions.

Don't hesitate to contact us and shape the future together with us!

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Gear Racks in Stock

Gear Racks in Stock

– Fast Shipping in North America!

Dernières nouvelles
Sécurité et une stabilité maximales du processus

Sécurité et une stabilité maximales du processus

Micro-table à rouleaux NDN-KS avec commande de forçage de la cage intégrée - maintenant disponible!

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Installation simplifiée des bouchons en plastique : MRK et BRK

Installation simplifiée des bouchons en plastique : MRK et BRK

Apprenez à installer facilement et professionnellement les bouchons en plastique sur votre MONORAIL.

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