MONORAIL BZ profile linear guideway with integrated rack drive
MONORAIL BZ is a compact, integrated assembly consisting of a 4-way ball guided profile rail guideway and a rack and pinion drive system. The combination of "guiding" and "drive" in one product offers the user the following advantages.
The individual characteristic features of the two individual components are completely maintained. One-piece assembly lengths up to 6000 mm. The guideway component provides the best running properties, a high load-bearing capacity and service life in conjunction with a large number of carriage types, executions and accessories. The hardened and ground gearing of the drive component represents the highest quality and accuracy. Matching pinions are also available. The design effort is minimized compared to individual components, as the guideway, rack and pinion are already perfectly matched to each other. Compared to individual components, the required installation space is significantly smaller. This enables performance-optimized designs.
MONORAIL MR 4x roller-guided profile linear guideways are synonymous with maximum quality and guaranteed functionality. Outstanding degrees of rail straightness, accurate machining and high mechanical load capacity distinguish MONORAIL MR profile guideways as an efficient, extremely robust quality solution for demanding applications requiring the most stringent demands for accuracy, such as for tooling machines. The product portfolio is comprised of 23 different combinations of rail size and shape as well as 33 different carriage configurations, offering the greatest possible design flexibility. MONORAIL MR can optionally be equipped with a tried-and-tested, integrated distance measuring system, thus contributing significantly to the total cost of ownership (TCO).
With experience gained from installing thousands of guideways in the field, we have given MONORAIL MR 4S carriages a comprehensive design upgrade and further improved the following four product features.
Die werotec ag mit Sitz in Reigoldswil (BL) wird per sofort 2020 mit der SCHNEEBERGER Firmengruppe mit Sitz in Roggwil (BE) verschmolzen
Bereits Anfang 2018 wurden sämtliche Gesellschafteranteile an der werotec ag von der SCHNEEBERGER Firmengruppe übernommen. Die beiden führenden Unternehmen waren seit vielen Jahren erfolgreiche Geschäftspartner und ergänzten sich hervorragend mit ihren Komplementärprodukten. Die Übernahme stärkte beide Unternehmen und somit die Schweizer Maschinenindustrie. Mit der nunmehr per sofort vollzogenen Integration der werotec ag in die SCHNEEBERGER AG Lineartechnik stellt die SCHNEEBERGER-Gruppe die termingerechte Verfügbarkeit an Wälzkörpern auch bei wachsender Nachfrage in ausreichendem Volumen und in höchster Qualität sicher. Die werotec ag wird künftig als Geschäftsbereich der SCHNEEBERGER AG Lineartechnik geführt. Die Mitarbeitenden bleiben weiterhin am Standort Reigoldswil beschäftigt. Die bestehenden Vereinbarungen mit Lieferanten, Kunden und…
SCHNEEBERGER gear racks - Special is our standard!
The standard length of a gear rack is usually 1000 mm. During assembly, these are installed one after the other. This inevitably leads to tolerances that are reflected in the form of a pitch error, which in turn leads to increased wear. With increasing axle length and the associated increasing number of gear racks to be installed, this error becomes even greater. Gear racks from SCHNEEBERGER, on the other hand, are available in lengths of up to 3000 mm (2000 mm for Q5). The main benefit is
Fewer gear racks have to be installed per machine axis. This reduces installation time. By reducing the number of gear racks required, the pitch error is minimized, thus increasing the service life.
Furthermore, SCHNEEBERGER gear racks feature the option of any desired cross-section with different types of attachments, entirely according to the customer's requirements.
The excellent performance – and technical superiority – of SCHNEEBERGER gear racks are due to careful manufacturing, the…
Whether the load is 80 grams or 30 tons, SCHNEEBERGER Mineralgusstechnik products offer unbeatable customer benefits. For many years, mineral casting, a "modern material", has represented an alternative to parts made from grey cast iron or steel and is nowadays the superior technology for a vast number of applications. Mineral casting has made new and innovative applications possible in electronics and in the medical devices sector. It is also the technology of the future - CO2 savings per ton of mineral casting are an incredible 1.4 tons of CO2 in comparison to grey cast iron/steel. This is testimony of our goals within our environmental agenda. SCHNEEBERGER Mineragusstechnik saved 15,000 tons of CO2 in 2018 – to the benefit of us all.
SCHNEEBERGER Mineralgusstechnik is one of the world's leading manufacturers of mineral casting. It offers innovative and high-precision mineral casting solutions while also making significant contributions to the "Total Cost of Ownership" (TCO) of…
Miniature guideway with integrated distance measuring system – all-in-one
The MINIRAIL profile linear guideway with the MINISCALE PLUS integrated distance measuring system impresses with its precision and robust design. This product was developed for high speeds and accelerations in the work process and is used in a variety of high-tech sectors.
MINISCALE PLUS is based on the time-tested MINIRAIL miniature guideway. The innovative embedding of ball recirculation in the carriage allows speeds of up to 5 m/s and accelerations of up to 300 m/s2. Thanks to a combination with the integrated MINISCALE PLUS distance measuring system, the "Guide" and "Measure" functions can be ideally linked to each other in a compact manner.
As the MINISCALE PLUS measuring system is integrated into the SCHNEEBERGER MINIRAIL miniature guideway, no applications are needed for separate, additional distance measuring systems. The design is considerably simplified with fewer components. There is also less space required, allowing for a more compact design. Since MINISCALE PLUS is also…
SCHNEEBERGER MINIRAIL – maintenance-free thanks to the integrated lubricant reservoir
MINIRAIL is the latest gener MINIRAIL is the latest generation of miniature guideways for demanding applications. It is extremely robust and proves itself in every application due to its smooth running action, precision and reliability. ation of miniature guideways for demanding applications. It is extremely robust and proves itself in every application due to its smooth running action, precision and reliability.
The high-precision MINIRAIL miniature guideway is small in size but large in terms of its possibilities. Newly available in size 5, which means even more perfect and finer running behavior thanks to the patented redirection unit.
The LUBE-S long-term lubrication for MINIRAIL carriages facilitates uninterrupted, long-lasting and safe use. The ingenious LUBE-S long-term lubrication is an integrated lubricant reservoir.
SCHNEEBERGER bearings - we guarantee the right solution
SCHNEEBERGER introduced the Type R cross-roller guideway and ball guideway as the first standardized linear frictionless guideways. These guideways and the further developments that have resulted from them continue to meet the requirements of the most demanding applications. SCHNEEBERGER introduced the Type R cross-roller guideway and ball guideway as the first standardized linear frictionless guideways. These guideways and the further developments that have resulted from them continue to meet the requirements of the most demanding applications.
SCHNEEBERGER offers a wide range of linear bearings in standard sizes that are ideally suited to many different applications. From robotics, machines and the semiconductor industry to laboratory applications, medical technology and many more. But even if standard dimensions do not fulfill your requirements, SCHNEEBERGER's specially adapted customized guideways make the company an ideal partner.
The robust linear bearings are available in…
Hans-Martin Schneeberger wurde für die nächsten zwei Jahre zum Präsidenten des europäischen Dachverbands der Werkzeugmaschinenhersteller CECIMO gewählt. Im Gespräch gibt er einen Einblick in die Rolle und Arbeitsweise des Verbands. Er erklärt, vor welchen Herausforderungen die Werkzeugmaschinenbranche steht und welche Dossiers er in seiner Amtszeit vorantreiben will. Das Interview führte Gabriela Schreiber.
Was bedeutet für Sie das Amt als Cecimo-Präsident persönlich?
Hans-Martin Schneeberger: Ich schätze das Vertrauen sehr, welches mir mit der Übertragung dieser Aufgabe von den Verantwortlichen der nationalen Mitgliederverbände in Europa entgegengebracht wurde. Dabei kann ich auf ein gutes und eingespieltes Team zählen. Es ist mir ein Anliegen, in meiner Amtszeit vor Ort Präsenz zu zeigen und den direkten Kontakt zu pflegen, nicht nur mit dem Büro in Brüssel, sondern auch mit den Mitgliedverbänden.
Mit Blick auf die Schweiz habe ich den Vorteil, dass ich seit Jahren im Komitee…
SCHNEEBERGER MINISLIDE MSQscale - Risoluzione di 0,1 µm
MINISLIDE MSQscale è la nota guida miniaturizzata MINISLIDE MSQ di SCHNEEBERGER dotata di un sistema di misura delle lunghezze integrato e innovativo. Il sistema combina in un unico passaggio le funzioni di guida e misura per garantire la massima precisione e affidabilità. Il sistema di misura ottico e incrementale convince con la sua risoluzione di 0,1 µm. MINISLIDE MSQscale presenta inoltre un design compatto e robusto, già pronto per l'installazione, per un montaggio rapido e semplice presso il cliente.
Grazie alla sua struttura robusta, l'esclusivo design di MINISLIDE MSQ è particolarmente adatto ad applicazioni che richiedono velocità e accelerazioni elevate. La gabbia assistita integrata direttamente nella guida e nel carrello mantiene la gabbia sempre in posizione, consentendo velocità fino a 3 m/s e accelerazioni fino a 300 m/s2. Inoltre, grazie al diametro ridotto dei corpi volventi, MINISLIDE MSQ è particolarmente adatto ad applicazioni con corse molto ridotte.