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Guide lineari e profilate

Soluzioni su misura: Binari di guida precisi e affidabili per ogni esigenza

Le guide lineari di SCHNEEBERGER rappresentano sempre il massimo della precisione e della qualità, rendendole ideali per applicazioni in settori come semiconduttori ed elettronica, automazione, movimentazione, metrologia, ottica, nonché medicina e biotecnologie. La nostra tecnologia lineare offre soluzioni affidabili per esigenze complesse ed è disponibile in un'ampia gamma standard che già copre una vasta varietà di applicazioni.

Le nostre guide lineari

e i nostri sistemi lineari sono progettati per applicazioni ad alto carico e offrono un'eccezionale rigidità e capacità di carico grazie alla combinazione di cuscinetti a rulli e materiali avanzati. Riducono al minimo le vibrazioni e le deformazioni anche sotto carichi elevati, garantendo prestazioni affidabili anche in condizioni difficili. L'uso di gabbie composite in plastica e acciaio riduce la resistenza allo spostamento, garantendo un funzionamento più fluido ed efficiente.

SCHNEEBERGER offre tecnologia lineare in diverse dimensioni e lunghezze per soddisfare le diverse esigenze dell'industria. Le opzioni di lunghezza variano da 100 mm a 2000 mm, fornendo la flessibilità necessaria per numerose applicazioni. Le nostre guide lineari sono realizzate in acciaio per utensili ad alta resistenza, che garantisce una lunga durata con una durezza compresa tra 58 e 62 HRC. Per ambienti soggetti a corrosione, utilizziamo materiali speciali resistenti alla corrosione. Gli elementi volventi sono realizzati in acciaio per cuscinetti temprato in massa, garantendo così un'elevata durata. Le piste di rotolamento finemente rettificate riducono l'attrito e massimizzano la resistenza all'usura, garantendo una guida precisa e duratura.

Queste caratteristiche rendono le guide lineari SCHNEEBERGER la soluzione ideale per applicazioni che richiedono elevata capacità di carico, rigidità e precisione.

La guida lineare R / guida a rulli incrociati e a sfere di SCHNEEBERGER è stata la prima guida volvente standardizzata al mondo. Le guide a rulli incrociati e a sfere funzionano in modo affidabile nella gamma di requisiti medio-alta. Queste guide a rulli collaudate sono particolarmente utilizzate nell'ingegneria meccanica, dove garantiscono la massima precisione e capacità di carico. Le soluzioni guida a rulli ingegneria meccanica di SCHNEEBERGER sono disponibili in tre classi di qualità e offrono una combinazione ottimale di scorrevolezza, stabilità e durata.

Frequently Asked Questions about SCHNEEBERGER Linear Guideways

The differences between types R, RN, and RNG lie in their load capacity, raceways, and stiffness:

R: The standard type for versatile applications. This guideway is available in various sizes and can be equipped with both rollers and balls.

RN: This variant offers higher load capacity and stiffness. It has the same dimensions as type R but includes the option for cage control to improve performance.

RNG: This type has a lower cross-section than R and RN but still provides high precision and stiffness. It is preferred for applications with limited installation space.

N/O: The needle cage guideway offers maximum stiffness, ideal for short-stroke applications. It is also available with cage control.

M/V: These guideways are similar to the N/O models but differ in cross-section and mounting holes.

The N/O and M/V linear guideways serve the same application areas but differ in cross-section and the type of mounting holes. Both product lines offer high stiffness and load capacity and are equipped with needle cages.

The different product lines are designed for specific applications:

R type: Universally applicable, suitable for a wide range of industrial applications, such as in automation.

RN type: Ideal for precision applications with high stiffness requirements, such as in medical technology or the semiconductor industry.

RNG type: Optimal for applications with limited installation space and high precision requirements, such as in optics or electronics manufacturing.

N/O type: Recommended for demanding industrial applications where maximum stiffness and load are required.

M/V type: Similar to the N/O type but with a slightly modified cross-section and different mounting options.

What are the differences between the cross roller guideways type R, RN, and RNG at SCHNEEBERGER? //

The differences between types R, RN, and RNG lie in their load capacity, raceways, and stiffness:

R: The standard type for versatile applications. This guideway is available in various sizes and can be equipped with both rollers and balls.

RN: This variant offers higher load capacity and stiffness. It has the same dimensions as type R but includes the option for cage control to improve performance.

RNG: This type has a lower cross-section than R and RN but still provides high precision and stiffness. It is preferred for applications with limited installation space.

N/O: The needle cage guideway offers maximum stiffness, ideal for short-stroke applications. It is also available with cage control.

M/V: These guideways are similar to the N/O models but differ in cross-section and mounting holes.

How do the N/O and M/V product lines at SCHNEEBERGER differ? //

The N/O and M/V linear guideways serve the same application areas but differ in cross-section and the type of mounting holes. Both product lines offer high stiffness and load capacity and are equipped with needle cages.

Which applications benefit from the SCHNEEBERGER product lines R, RN, RNG, N/O, and M/V? //

The different product lines are designed for specific applications:

R type: Universally applicable, suitable for a wide range of industrial applications, such as in automation.

RN type: Ideal for precision applications with high stiffness requirements, such as in medical technology or the semiconductor industry.

RNG type: Optimal for applications with limited installation space and high precision requirements, such as in optics or electronics manufacturing.

N/O type: Recommended for demanding industrial applications where maximum stiffness and load are required.

M/V type: Similar to the N/O type but with a slightly modified cross-section and different mounting options.