+81 3 6435 7474

Sales contact Bulgaria

Area Sales Manager

Alexander Hammerl
Alexander Hammerl
Mobile phone+43 676 935 1035
E-mailSend email

SCHNEEBERGER represents the following brands

Karl Hipp GmbH
Adolph-Kolping-Straße 3
72393 Burladingen

Phone+49 7475 9519 0
Fax+49 7475 9519 19

Sales Partner of SCHNEEBERGER

Atlas Technik EOOD
Hippodroma, Bl. 139B, Eing. A, App. 6
1612 Sofia, PB 51

Phone +359 (2)859 7681
Fax+359 (2)859 7681
Mobile+359 885 232 595


Atlas Technik represents for SCHNEEBERGER following Products:
Linear bearings, Slides, Mineral casting