摩擦のないテーブル NKタイプ
摩擦のないローラーテーブル NKLタイプ
NDタイプマイクロ摩擦のないテーブル - ローラー
ボールケージ付きマイクロ摩擦のないテーブル - MINISLIDE MS、MINISLIDE MSQ、NDおよびNDN
高温や超高真空の場所など、多くの状況で、ボールケージ付きのMINISLIDE MSタイプのマイクロ摩擦のないテーブルに使用される材料は、それらの使用を可能にします。
MINISLIDE MSQガイドウェイは、優れた精度と信頼性のための高度な設計により、要求の厳しいアプリケーションで卓越しています。一方、NDおよびNDNシリーズは、さまざまなサイズで利用できる高精度のマイクロ摩擦のないテーブルと動的パフォーマンスを特徴とし、柔軟な方向性を持っています。ND、NDN、またはMSQ製品の詳細については、製品ページをご覧ください。
SCHNEEBERGER R2-RF型縦型ガイドウェイを備えたNH型単軸ポジショニングテーブルは、マイクロメーターによる手動ストローク調整を可能にします。マイクロメーターはバネに対して上部を位置に保持し、0.01mmの読み取り精度を提供します。正方形の上部と下部で構成されるNHポジショニングテーブルは、2軸テーブルへの簡単な組み立てを可能にします。アルミニウム製のテーブルパーツにより、NHタイプは水平および垂直の両方に配置できます。
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Ball cages and roller cages offer different advantages: ball cages enable smoother movement, while roller cages provide greater rigidity. Depending on the application, one or the other may be more beneficial. For the highest demands on acceleration and linear movements in all orientations, the MSQ series as well as tables with inserted linear guideways combined with FORMULA-S are recommended, as they are absolutely reliable and do not exhibit cage creep.
The materials vary depending on the model:
The NE linear table features a closed design with a narrow gap between the top and bottom part. This construction prevents dirt penetration, making it particularly suitable for environments with high contamination exposure. Equipped with Type R longitudinal guideways across all sizes, the NE linear table can be utilized for movements in all directions.
The NH positioning table is a single-axis table equipped with SCHNEEBERGER Type R2-RF longitudinal guideways. It allows manual stroke adjustment using a micrometer, which holds the top part against a spring in position and provides a reading accuracy of 0.01 mm. With its square top and bottom aluminum parts, it can be easily assembled into a 2-axis table and is suitable for both horizontal and vertical positioning.
If the standard version does not fit, we are the right partner to find a solution with you. Possible adjustments include:
Ball cages and roller cages offer different advantages: ball cages enable smoother movement, while roller cages provide greater rigidity. Depending on the application, one or the other may be more beneficial. For the highest demands on acceleration and linear movements in all orientations, the MSQ series as well as tables with inserted linear guideways combined with FORMULA-S are recommended, as they are absolutely reliable and do not exhibit cage creep.
The materials vary depending on the model:
The NE linear table features a closed design with a narrow gap between the top and bottom part. This construction prevents dirt penetration, making it particularly suitable for environments with high contamination exposure. Equipped with Type R longitudinal guideways across all sizes, the NE linear table can be utilized for movements in all directions.
The NH positioning table is a single-axis table equipped with SCHNEEBERGER Type R2-RF longitudinal guideways. It allows manual stroke adjustment using a micrometer, which holds the top part against a spring in position and provides a reading accuracy of 0.01 mm. With its square top and bottom aluminum parts, it can be easily assembled into a 2-axis table and is suitable for both horizontal and vertical positioning.
If the standard version does not fit, we are the right partner to find a solution with you. Possible adjustments include: