When choosing the correct linear guideway for your application, Schneeberger a wide variety of products. We produce ball and roller guideways in type R and RD both offering particularly smooth-running characteristics. When using these together with recirculating units, you can achieve unlimited stroke.
Type R crossed roller guides and the further developments RN and RNG are available in three quality classes (NQ, SQ and SSQ) and are suitable for operating temperatures from -40° to +80 °C.
For medium and high rigidity, the cage-guided roller alternatives of the type RN or RNG are the best solution, as they offer running accuracy, load carrying capacity and rigidity, and with cage control if required.
For applications with the highest load-bearing capacity, rigidity, and accuracy requirements, we recommend our needle-bearing guideways type N/O or M/V with cage control if necessary. The principle also applies here: Ball cages move more quietly; roller cages offer greater rigidity and needle cages achieve the highest rigidity.
If the standard does not fit, we are the right partner to work with you to find the solution, such as the right hole pattern, a height pairing or even a cross-section adaptation to your specific application.