Transfer of Know-How
A.MANNESMANN as a development partner

Sharing knowledge and experience - as a development partner of our customers, this is the basis of our transfer of know-how. Our goal is to drive forward the planning of innovations through comprehensive and well-organized knowledge management as best as possible at eye level with each other. Our understanding is that only the merging of specialized knowledge can form the basis for progress.
We do not see the transfer of know-how as a one-way street. On the one hand, it is important for our customers to apply our sector knowledge to their own expertise. On the other hand, as a manufacturer we want to get to know the expertise of our customers in order to use this knowledge to develop additional products together for new manufacturing technologies and methods and to use this in application. With the transfer of know-how, we want to build bridges between ourselves as a manufacturer as well as mechanical and plant engineers and industries from various sectors.
Use the exchange of knowledge between yourselves and us as a manufacturer of ball screws and other machine elements as an active shaping link in the different institutions and specialized committees of associations.
Possible content of the transfer of know-how:
- Using knowledge as a success factor
- Increasing competitiveness and economic success
- Conveying specialized knowledge (explicit knowledge) and gained experience (implicit knowledge)
- Expense optimization
- Direct practical reference
- Targeted continuing education of your team
- Manage complex situations faster, more securely and with a high quality
- Use the latest technologies on the market
- Exchange of best practice approaches and innovation topics