Uzun eksenler için entegre mutlak mesafe ölçüm sistemi AMSABS 3L
Discover productsUzun eksenler için entegre mutlak mesafe ölçüm sistemi AMSABS 3L Mutlak ölçüm kafalı AMSABS 3L ölçme arabası, hiçbir sinyal kaybı olmadan ray ek yerlerinden geçebilir.

AMSABS 3B mutlak/masuralar
Discover productsAMSABS 3B mutlak/masuralar AMSABS 3B for roller guideways now combines proven magneto-resistive measuring technology with an absolute digital interface

AMSABS 4B mutlak/bilyeli
Discover productsAMSABS 4B mutlak/bilyeli AMSABS 4B provides absoulte distance measurement for use in automation engineering, mechanical handling technology and machine tool engineering

AMSD 4 B / dijital model bilyeli artımsal parça
Discover productsAMSD 4 B / dijital model bilyeli artımsal parça AMSD 4B is an integrated magneto-resistive measuring system for distance measurement based on MONORAIL BM profile guideway with incremental, digital interface.

AMSA 4 B / analog model bilyeli artımsal parça
Discover productsAMSA 4 B / analog model bilyeli artımsal parça AMSA 4B is an integrated magneto-resistive measuring system for distance measurement based on MONORAIL BM profile ball guideway with an analog voltage interface

AMSD 3 B / dijital model makaralı artımsal parça
Discover productsAMSD 3 B / dijital model makaralı artımsal parça Type AMSD 3B's integrated distance measuring system allows the machine to travel the most precise path whilst adhering to the strictest tolerances

AMSA 3 B / analog model makaralı artımsal parça
Discover productsAMSA 3 B / analog model makaralı artımsal parça Type AMSA 3B is a magneto-resistive distance measuring system specially designed for applications in machine tools

MINISLIDE MSQ / analog veya dijital model bilyeli artımsal parça
Discover productsMINISLIDE MSQ / analog veya dijital model bilyeli artımsal parça

MINISCALE PLUS / analog veya dijital model bilyeli artımsal parça
Discover productsMINISCALE PLUS / analog veya dijital model bilyeli artımsal parça The MINIRAIL profiled linear guideways with the MINISCALE PLUS integrated distance measuring system features impressive precision and robustness

Absolute measuring system SAM
Discover productsAbsolute measuring system SAM The SCHNEEBERGER Absolute Measuring System SAM sets new standards in Industry 4.0. Ideal for high-precision applications in mechanical engineering and medical technology.